
Cease of Publication


Number 7(2) - 2020 of our journal will be the last issue of this edition. In its place, in 2021 the new journal of the Department of Educational Sciences and Early Childhood Education of the University of Patras will appear.

The last issue will be published on July 1 and therefore our journal cannot accept another article for review.

We warmly thank our authors, reviewers and readers, and the technical team of the Library & Information Center of the University of Patras for the exceptional support and cooperation.

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Current Issue

Vol. 7, N. 2 (2020)
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However, the Department of Educational Sciences and Early Childhood Education of the University of Patras started publishing a new journal with the title "Mediterranean Journal of Education" that continues with exactly the same conditions. Your articles in the new journal are welcome.


This international and open-access journal is governed by a peer-review process. All manuscripts will be subject to double-blind peer review by two referees. The articles are published in English or French, according to the author’s language preference.

Educational Journal of the University of Patras UNESCO Chair is published twice a year, in January and July.