Teachers’ citizenship behaviour as determinant of students’ academic performance in North-Central, Nigeria
Citizenship behaviour, teacher, students, academic performanceAbstract
This study examined teachers’ citizenship behaviour as determinant of students’ academic performance in North-central, Nigeria. The study adopted a descriptive research design of correlation type with a population of 2114 Principals, and 5728 Vice Principals in North-central, Nigeria. The target population comprised 977 principals and 2454 vice principals in the sampled States. Random sampling technique was used to select three (Kwara, Kogi & Nassarawa) out of the entire six states in the geopolitical zone. Proportional sample technique was used to select 598 participants as respondents of the study. Relevant data were collected for the study through the questionnaire tagged “Teachers’ Citizenship Behaviour Questionnaire (TCBQ)”. The findings of the study revealed that teachers’ citizenship behaviour influences students’ academic performance in North-central, Nigeria. Based on the findings of the study, it was recommended among others that the school administrators should expose their staff to the importance of TCB towards enhancing students’ academic performance. Also, government should organize trainings, workshops, seminars and conferences for the supervisors, principals and teachers of schools on TCB to serve as a motivational strategy for effective service delivery.
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