Academics' perceptions of the influence of the university environment on the practice of the academic profession: case study in a Greek university


  • ANNA SOLOMOU University of Patras, Greece
  • ANNA ASIMAKI University of Patras, Greece



Βiographical research, biographical narrative interview, biographical narrative analysis, scientific field


This study, which is part of a larger ongoing work, utilizing the concepts of "scientific field", “scientific capital” and “symbolic power” from Pierre Bourdieu's theory, as a framework of theoretical presuppositions and heuristics of understanding in the analysis of the data, aims to investigate the perceptions of a Professor (informant) in a Greek university regarding the influence of the university field and the constraints it imposes on the “practice of the academic profession” through the dialectical relationship between teaching and research work. The research was conducted using the biographical narrative interview. The results of the study showed that the university field has a significant impact on the academic profession. It was further shown that administrative positions, progression through the ranks and the immense, profound importance of the research rather than teaching dimension of the academic’ roles are crucial parameters in the practice of the academic profession.


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