L’impact de l’exploitation du modeleur volumique sur l’apprentissage du dessin technique. Cas des apprenants de première année secondaire en Tunisie
Technical drawing, SolidWorks volume modeler, didactic engineering, investigative approachAbstract
This article focuses on the acquisition of knowledge and the development of skills in technical drawing for learners of the first year of secondary school in technology class. It is a question of designing and testing a didactic engineering based on the investigation approach with the use of the SolidWorks volume modeler allowing learners to overcome obstacles and develop their knowledge and know-how. We have developed a learning project in two sequences whose validation is internal based on the confrontation between a priori analysis and a posteriori analysis with two groups of learners. This is a control group who attended a "hand" or traditional drawing course and another experimental group who benefited from a course integrating the 3D modeler. The analysis of the results showed the significant improvement in the level of the test group, supported by the 3D simulator SolidWorks, and made it possible to highlight the strong involvement of the learners allowing the construction of their knowledge and know-how in technical drawing.
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