Projet inclusif de sciences interdisciplinaire au collège


  • LUCIE COPREAUX Université de Cergy-Pontoise, France
  • EMMANUEL ROLLINDE Université de Cergy-Pontoise, France
  • RITA KHANFOUR-ARMALÉ Université de Cergy-Pontoise, France



Didactic engineering, inclusion, interdisciplinarity, collaborative practices


The present research revolves around teaching practices within an inclusive, interdisciplinary Science project with 6th grade general and SEGPA students, by teachers both within and outside their disciplinary field. In the context of collaborative research, observations and analyses by researchers and teachers of difficulties in characterizing knowledge through the use of the theoretical framework of TACD (Theory of Joint Action in Didactics) enabled us to model effective tools to overcome these difficulties. Observation of a specific SVT session conducted by an SVT teacher and a PC teacher before and after the implementation of these tools shows a change in the teacher's posture outside his or her discipline, from control to letting go, which in turn promotes autonomous student learning.


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