Investigation of primary education teachers' perceptions about resilience in schools


  • VASILIKI BERTSIA University of Patras, Greece
  • MARIA POULOU University of Patras, Greece



Resilience, school, family, teachers


This study focused on exploring the perspectives of primary education teachers in the Heraklion region regarding the resilience of both their students and themselves. Initially, the theoretical framework concerning resilience as a concept is presented, along with its correlation to the school environment. Special attention is given to the resilience of the teachers themselves. Subsequently, the methodological design and the core questions of the research, which were answered through conducting interviews, are outlined. A total of 13 primary education teachers participated, providing insights into their knowledge of resilience and their perceptions regarding the factors shaping it. The interviews specifically addressed the role of the school and the family, as well as the resilience of the teachers within the context of today's Greek educational system. The data from the interviews were categorized, analyzed, and presented in relation to existing literature. The primary aim of the study was to draw initial conclusions concerning the teachers' knowledge on this particular matter, as well as their opinions regarding the role of the school in shaping the resilience of their students and themselves. Through thematic analysis, it became evident that the teachers who participated in the research possessed theoretical knowledge about resilience, as well as specific proposals regarding its enhancement among students and teachers.


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