Relationship between students’ academic mindset, engagement and performance in Physics in Kwara State, Nigeria


  • ABDULRASAQ OLADIMEJI AKANBI University of Ilorin, Nigeria
  • QUADRI YAHAYA University of Ilorin, Nigeria
  • ABDULRASAQ SHEHU University of Ilorin, Nigeria
  • WASIU OLAYINKA YAHAYA Federal College of Fisheries and Marine Technology, VI., Lagos, Nigeria



Academic mindset, engagement, performance in physics, mediating


The study explored the correlation between academic mindset, engagement, and performance of students in education and physics majors. 120 students participated in the correlational survey research. SmartPLS statistical software was used for data analysis. Results indicate that academic mindset and student performance have a weak, low, and non-significant relationship, and academic mindset and student engagement positively affect academic performance in physics. It was concluded that academic mindset and student engagement are among the factors that are positively involved in the academic performance of secondary school students in the field of physics.


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