Réflexions d'enseignants de maternelle sur le numérique dans les activités scientifiques : transformations dues à la formation


  • ZEBUN ARUN Indian Institute of Science and Engineering, India
  • GEORGIOS Κ. ZACHARIS Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece




Teacher training, kindergarten, Physical Sciences, Information and Communication Technologies in Education


This article presents a study of the ideas of preschool physical science teachers on the integration of the use of Information and Communication Technologies in Education and also on training in this field. This study is carried out on the basis of an interview and in the light of the framework of the didactics of the physical sciences, before and after the realization of a seminar on the use of new technologies in kindergarten teaching. The results of this survey showed that after the seminar, teachers changed their minds about the problems related to the use of ICT in schools and about the type of training they wanted to participate in.


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