Preschool teachers' self-reflection issues


  • ANGELIKI KOKKOSI University of Patras, Greece
  • MARIA POULOU University of Patras, Greece
  • GERASIMOS KOUSTOURAKIS University of Patras, Greece
  • NIKOLAOS CHANIOTAKIS University of Thessaly, Greece



Preschool teachers’ relationships and collaborations, self-reflection, self-reflection diary, students’ development and behavior, self-reflection issues


This paper examines the empirical data of a study concerning the views of 47 Greek preschool teachers in regard to which issues are reflected in school and the frequency of occurrence of self-reflection per week. Data coding and descriptive statistics were mainly used. The results provide clear conclusions on the issues that Greek preschool teachers reflect on and the frequency with which they do so. The preschool teachers reflected on 5 main categories of issues (Students’ development & behavior, Preschool teachers’ relationships & collaborations, School unit operation, Issues related to teaching, Role & professional development of the preschool teachers), which were identified in the self-reflection diaries, completed by the participants during four weeks.


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