Vers une éducation à l’innovation technologique responsable


  • DAVID GUENEZ Université de Lille, France
  • ABDELKARIM ZAID Université de Lille, France



Responsible technological innovation, technological education, curriculum, didactic


This article presents two small-scale exploratory studies that aim to investigate how technological innovation is approached in secondary technological education, both in the curriculum prescribed by educational programs and in the declared practices of teachers. Two complementary methodological approaches are used: curriculum analysis and semi-structured interviews with six teachers. Computerized textual data analysis was employed in both studies. The curriculum study reveals that technological innovation, despite being established as a curricular organizer, struggles to find a place in the specific expectations of the program. The notion of technological innovation also remains implicit. In response to these findings, the semi-structured interviews shed light on a variety of declared practices among teachers regarding the teaching of technological innovation. The article suggests the possibility of expanding education on technological innovation towards responsible technological innovation education.


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