Visualization and simulation for effective teaching of basic thermal concepts for grade nine


  • MULUGETA HABTE GEBRU Arba Minch University, Ethiopia


Mots-clés :

Visualization, computer simulation, performance, practical work


This research was designed to examine Grade 9 learners’ temperature and heat conceptual development during problem solving using visualization assisted teaching method as well as conducting practical work using computer simulation-based teaching method. The correlation analysis revealed that visualization assisted teaching method has advantage in bringing better problem solving performance but simulation-based teaching method didn’t bring better experimentation performance due to experimentation activities limitation. The analysis based on think aloud protocol and verbal responses revealed that students in the experimental group were able to use visualization tools such as models, drawings, graphs, symbols to represent phenomena in order to develop basic science and mathematical conceptual understanding during problem solving and experimental tasks about heat and temperature. The questionnaire about learning gains revealed that lessons conducted by visualization assisted and simulation-based instruction brought better understanding of basic thermal concepts and relationships between the basic thermal concepts.


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