Developing student-made artifacts on nanotechnology issues in a context of interacting formal and informal learning settings
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Student artifacts, nanotechnology, science communication, combination of formal-informal educationRésumé
This paper examines student-curated artifacts that were developed in the context of a teaching module on nanotechnology applications that combined formal and informal learning experiences. Deriving from the fact that the negotiation of modern scientific objects constitutes a suitable field for the harmonious connection between formal and informal education, the present study aims to delve into students' understanding of nanotechnology concepts, as reflected in student-curated artifacts. Fifteen teachers and 298 students took part in the study developing a total of 19 artifacts on nanotechnology issues and their societal implications. The results show that such a partnership can help students acquire, depending on their level and cognitive background, basic knowledge on key nanotechnology concepts and to communicate it using multiple activities of graded cognitive demands.
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