Influence of parenting style, and parental involvement on student’s academic performance in Oriade Local Government Area, Osun State, Nigeria
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Academic performance, parenting style, parental involvement, influence, secondary school studentsRésumé
The study investigated the influence of parenting style, and parental involvement, on secondary school students’ academic performance, in Oriade Local Government Area, Osun State, Nigeria. The descriptive survey research design of the ex-post facto type was employed in the study. Respondents were 300 secondary school students, randomly drawn from 10 schools constituted the study sample. Two valid and reliable instruments (Parental Style and Parental Involvement Questionnaire (PSPIQ) and students’ score in English Language and mathematics) provided data for the study. The Bivariate and multiple regression statistical methods were used to analyze the data. Results obtained indicated that parenting style had no significant influence on students’ academic performance (F=0.478, P>0.05). However, the positive regression coefficient revealed a positive influence of parenting style on students’ academic performance. Contrarily, parental involvement was observed to have positive and significant influence on students’ academic performance, (F=35.218, P<0.05). The results further demonstrated no significant joint influence of parenting style and parental involvement on students’ academic performance (F=2.56, P>0.05). Parental involvement exerted more influence on students’ academic performance than parenting style. Based on the results, the study suggested that school authorities should educate parents on the relationship between parenting style and students’ academic performance. Also, that parents should be close to their children, in order to abreast themselves with their school needs.
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