L’utilisation des aides didactiques. Quel apport sur l’enseignement-apprentissage de l’écriture et de la lecture d’un dessin technique ?


  • MOHAMED RIDHA MASTOURI École Νationale Supérieure d'Ingénieurs de Tunis, Tunisia
  • MABROUK MEDI École Νationale Supérieure d'Ingénieurs de Tunis, Tunisia
  • WALID OUESLATI École Nationale Supérieure d'Ingénieurs de Tunis, Tunisia
  • NOUREDDINE BEN YAHYA École Nationale Supérieure d'Ingénieurs de Tunis, Tunisia



Mots-clés :

ICT, problems solving, didactic, three-dimensional perception, mental image, graphical representations, digital models, blueprint reading, operation of a mechanism, technical drawing


The use of digital models in the creation of the mental image of abstract concepts remains a breath of fresh air for the teaching and learning of technical sciences in Tunisia, a path for thousands of teachers of technical sciences terminal classes, deprived of didactic materials and experiments. The use of ICT in general and specifically of simulation and digital models in the field of technical drawing education in technology, are didactic means that allow access and dissemination of information at high speed. It also allows teachers to create and innovate in the acquisition and learning of skills. Thus, our research focuses on the notion of appropriation of three-dimensional perception and the creation of the mental image in learners through the use of digital models in learning to read and write a technical drawing. for students in the final classes of technical sciences. In effect: (1) Is the writing of a definition drawing sufficient to enable the student to easily read an overall plan? (2) Can the reasoned use of new information and communication technology remedy the problems of reading an overall plan? At the end of our study, we were able to verify that: (1) Mastering the writing of a definition drawing does not develop the learner's ability to read an assembly drawing. (2) The representation of an overall drawing on a computer contributes to learning to read it. (3) Digital models have major advantages over traditional graphical representation tools and can help learners understand mechanical systems. (4) The digital models by their complete and dynamic representations, contribute to the creation of mental image at the learner and thus to facilitate the reading of the assembly drawings.


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