An immersive learning environment on the introduction of power generation systems for pre-service teachers of early childhood education


  • IRENE IOANNIDOU University of Patras, Greece
  • NIKI SISSAMPERI University of Patras, Greece
  • DIMITRIOS KOLIOPOULOS University of Patras, Greece


Mots-clés :

Power generation systems, virtual reality, immersive learning environment, pre-service teachers' conceptions


Virtual environments offer innovative and promising solutions for natural science education, benefiting both students and teachers. Research indicates that pre-service teachers struggle to visualize and describe power generation processes, potentially passing on alternative conceptions to students. This study focuses on the design, development, and evaluation of a 3D virtual reality learning environment for large-scale power generation systems, specifically steam power plants. Following an "innovative" teaching framework, the study aimed to explore and reconstruct pre-service teachers' conceptions through interaction with the immersive virtual environment. The research procedure involved four parts of a semi-structured interview with pre-service teachers exploring their ideas and whose analysis results confirm  existing literature on alternative conceptions. The study highlighted cognitive progress, especially in the technological dimension of power generation systems using the virtual reality learning environment.


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