Analyse d’un dispositif de formation professionnelle en métrologie pour le travail


  • JAMILA MIMOUNI Université Virtuelle de Tunis, Tunisia
  • CHIRAZ BEN KILANI Université Virtuelle de Tunis, Tunisia


Mots-clés :

Vocational training, training systems, apprenticeships, skills development, measurement uncertainty


Metrology, or the science of measurement, plays a very important role in many professional fields. It is the backbone that guarantees accurate results and reliable products and services. To ensure effective training in metrology, it is essential to design appropriate teaching and appropriate techniques. In this article, we aim to bring visibility to the empirical realities of vocational training in metrology for work. We situate ourselves within the framework of vocational didactics. Drawing on the key concepts of this theoretical framework, we seek to understand how the organization of this type of training promotes learning and meets work needs in terms of developing participants' metrological skills in a professional context. As an example, in this study, we have analyzed a training session entitled "Estimation of measurement uncertainties for physicochemical tests".


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