Scratch programming as a tool for teaching angle as a rotation


  • KONSTANTINOS KAKAVAS University of Patras, Greece
  • KONSTANTINOS ZACHAROS University of Patras, Greece
  • IRINI SKOPELITI University of Patras, Greece
  • VASSILIS KOMIS University of Patras, Greece


Mots-clés :

Angle, rotation, simulation, Scratch


The present study is part of a larger research related to the cultivation of the concept of angle with the use of visual programming. This article introduces the teaching of the angle as a rotation using the Scratch programming language. A semi-structured digital microworld was designed to represent a screw that should be screwed into a piece of wood. The research involved 35 6th grade students who were asked to digitally simulate the actual movement of the screw. It is shown that visual programming can be an effective and dynamic tool for teaching rotation as an angle dimension.


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