Which geoscience knowledge at the end of upper-secondary school? Results from an Italian survey


  • ALESSANDRA BORGHINI University of Pisa, Italy
  • FABIO PIERACCIONI University of Pisa, Italy
  • LUCA BASTIANI National Research Council of Italy - CNR, Italy
  • ELENA BONACCORSI University of Pisa, Italy
  • ANNA GIONCADA University of Pisa, Italy



Mots-clés :

Earth science curriculum, student learning, quality assessment, misconceptions, survey development


Monitoring basic geoscience skills at the end of upper-secondary school is necessary, when we consider that understanding geoscience issues is today required to face the changes affecting our planet. We present here the application of a screening tool - IMES2 or ‘Individuation of Misconceptions in Earth Sciences 2’ - designed for surveying geoscience knowledge at the end of upper-secondary school. It was applied to screen 403 students enrolled in the first year of different courses at the University of Pisa (Italy) in the academic year 2020-21. The results indicate that, at the end of the upper secondary school, several misconceptions regarding endogenous and exogenous geological processes and the geological time, already reported in the geoscience education literature, are present.


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